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Tooth Extraction Specialist

Pediatric Dental Group of New York

Pediatric Dentistry located in Albany, NY & Glens Falls, NY

If your child develops a deep cavity or experiences an infection, tooth extraction may be necessary. At Pediatric Dental Group of New York, the team of pediatric dentists offers tooth extractions on an outpatient basis. Using specialized tools and conscious anesthesia, the process is quick, convenient, and virtually pain-free. To make an appointment for your child at the practice in Schenectady, Albany or Glens Falls, New York, call the nearest office today or schedule online.

Tooth Extraction Q & A

What is tooth extraction?

Tooth extraction is an outpatient procedure that removes one (or several) teeth.

The most common type of extraction is wisdom tooth removal, but there are several other reasons your child might benefit, including excessive tooth decay, infection, or crowding. Your child might also need an extraction if they’re preparing to undergo a complex medical procedure, like an organ transplant.

Tooth extractions take very little time. What’s more, they occur under local anesthesia, ensuring your child experiences no pain or discomfort.

How do I prepare my child for a tooth extraction?

Before recommending an extraction, your child’s Pediatric Dental Group of New York provider conducts an oral exam and takes oral X-rays. They use the X-rays to assess your child’s tooth and develop a custom treatment plan.

Let the team know if your child has an underlying medical condition like a congenital heart defect, kidney disease, or diabetes. These issues won’t necessarily prevent your child from getting an extraction, but they can increase the risk of complications.

Are there different types of tooth extractions?

The team at the Pediatric Dental Group of New York offers several types of tooth extractions, including:

Simple extractions

Simple extractions remove a tooth that’s above the gum line and easy to access. Your child’s provider administers a local anesthetic, gently loosens the tooth, and removes it. Afterward, they prescribe pain medication and provide care instructions.

Surgical extractions

Surgical extractions remove a tooth that’s impacted or unable to break through the gum line. Your child’s provider administers a local anesthetic, makes an incision to access the tooth, separates the tooth into pieces, and removes it. Afterward, your child’s provider prescribes pain medication, packs the site with gauze, and provides care instructions.

What is recovery like after a tooth extraction?

After a tooth extraction, your child will experience mild discomfort, swelling, and increased tooth sensitivity. To speed up the recovery process, the team at the Pediatric Dental Group of New York recommends:

  • Eating only soft foods for 24-48 hours
  • Using desensitizing toothpaste
  • Taking over-the-counter pain medication
  • Applying a bag of ice to your cheek
  • Not biting down on the extraction site for at least a week

If you suspect your child may need a tooth extraction, make an appointment at the Pediatric Dental Group of New York by calling the nearest office today or scheduling online.